Abseiling adventures for our Distribution Centre team
Fundraising from great heights!
Recently, some Camelot employees from our Northampton Distribution Centre were out fundraising for their chosen charity The Northamptonshire Association for the Blind.
The challenge was a 418 feet descent down the old Northampton express lift tower which is now a National Abseil Centre and not just any abseil centre - it's the tallest permanent abseil tower in the world!
A team six employees took part on Saturday 16th June and all did so with very little abseiling experience between them. It was quite a nervy task, especially as the wind decided to pay them a visit and swing them around a little!
The team did amazingly well and as a result of their bravery have raised £1,113 for the charity so far, which will also be match funded by Camelot. The charity is very close to the hearts of a couple of employees who took part, so we're all extremely proud of the money they raised, particularly as they smashed their original target.
Well done to the team, we look forward to hearing about your next fundraising adventures. Check out some photos from the day below.