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15 December 2020

Each year Camelot Social Committee's are given a small budget to arrange trips and events.

In previous years, the Sports & Social Committee have gone above and beyond to create AMAZING activities such as: theatre trips, a Royal Wedding themed afternoon tea, Outdoor Cinema, Willen Lake - Splash Park and an Adult Cycle Course. They also supported Monday night football, Thursday night tennis, yoga and the Camelot Quiz.

We spoke with the chair of the committee - Leigh, to find out more:

What is your job role at Camelot?

My day job is in Technology! A far cry from the involvement with the Committee!

When and why did the Sports & Social Committee start?

We are really lucky here at Camelot to have a Sports and Social budget, the committee is run voluntarily and the role of Chairman was something that I gladly inherited over time. The Committee has been running for as long as I can remember! And I’ve been here over 23 years!

How many Camelot People are involved in running the committee?

There are only 5 of us! We are a fantastic mix from Technology, the CEO’s office, Legal, People Team and Customer Ops

We always ask people to come to us with an idea and a solution on how to execute the idea. We can always do with that little bit of extra help!

What kinds of activities do the Sports and Social Committee get up to?

We try to come up with ideas that we think would interest all our colleagues, and often their families too. As the title suggests its Sports and Social so we try to cover both angles. We meet every two weeks to discuss any potential new ideas and any events we have coming up.

What have been your favourite events?

We have organised a wide variety of events from afternoon tea to celebrate the Royal Wedding, an open air cinema, quiz nights, football & Netball clubs, theatre trips and even exclusive hire of a splash park in summer. We also contribute to our Camelot Kids Christmas Eve Party, which is not to be missed!

So, what's next?

With summer fast approaching we have some great activities coming up, keep your eyes peeled for Hitchin Lavender Fields, an afternoon of water sports, tennis coaching, theatre trips and even something Tokyo 2020 themed.

Why is it important for companies to invest in committee's like Sport & Social?

We all need to take care of our physical and mental health these days and with that in mind the team and I feel very passionately about the activities we provide to the business.

It's important for Camelot to have a community so we can keep being sociable, for many of us our jobs require lots of concentration and sometimes long hours, the events we arrange help step out of the "work zone" and enjoy each others company.

Camelot is a great place to work and the Sports & Social committee, along with the People Experience team, help to provide a great employee experience.