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05 March 2021

Name: Ed

Role: Operation Sales Manager

Location: Watford

Meet Ed. Ed has recently joined the Camelot Customer Operations team as our new Operation Sales Manager. Ed has worked in some AMAZING roles across many corners of the globe and Bill Gates thinks he’s the best dancer in his family. Find out more about Ed as we catch up with him and give him a warm WELCOME to #TeamCamelot...

Tell us about your background. What’s been the highlight of your career so far?

I’ve been working in call centres since I left school. I started at DHL, answering phones and helping people send parcels around the world. I worked my way up to call centre manager there and was transferred to the South African office, which was a brilliant experience. I was in Africa for 13 years, and moved from there to the Caribbean, where I headed up the sales operation for an all-inclusive hotel brand, based in St Lucia, Jamaica and Grenada. I returned to the UK in 2014 and worked for Sky and HGS, before moving to Camelot in July this year. I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to over 60 countries as part of my call centre management career, which isn’t bad for someone who started by helping customers send boxes overseas. Working in a call centre is a job to some people, but it’s given me much more than that.

Why did you decide on a role at Camelot?

I wanted to work somewhere that had an altruistic outlook, was market-leading and commercially focused; and Camelot fitted the bill. When I was called about the role I didn’t hesitate in agreeing to meet and see how my skills aligned with their strategy and objectives. Having reviewed this, it was clear to me there was a good fit and I was keen to join. To say you work somewhere that helps raise £30m a week for good causes is something to be really proud of.

What was the interview process like?

Surprisingly quick. I had a phone interview, I was then asked to deliver a presentation related to the role, I had some peer interviews and then a final face to face. This was all concluded within a month, and I was kept well informed every step of the way. It was once of the more enjoyable processes I have been through.

It also helped me think about the role and Camelot really encouraged me to make sure this role was right for me, which was a new development. I felt valued and that I could make a difference, and that helped convince me this was the place I wanted to be.

What’s been the most surprising thing about your induction to Camelot?

There have been a few standouts. One is the unrelenting feeling that we are working to support good causes which underpins many of our key decisions, (along with meeting our regulatory objectives of course). I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t feel hugely proud of working for Camelot because of this, and the joy the staff get from making members of the public millionaires is also contagious. It is a happy place to be, which makes a big difference.

What is your team like?

I head up the Outbound Sales Team. I have a couple of experienced team managers returning to work soon which is exciting, but the people in my team are amongst the most dedicated, hard-working contact centre staff I’ve worked with. They are flexible, adaptable and unwaveringly positive about what they do, despite repeated challenges and changing demands. I am lucky to have inherited such an engaged group.

What advice would you give to someone interested in applying for a role in your team?

While the team is outbound sales, it isn’t hard selling. It’s more to do with relationship building and giving advice on how retailers can be more successful. If you enjoy talking to people, want to have fun and have a competitive spirit, come and talk to us and see what we have to offer. It’s a great environment and a wonderful way to get into Camelot. You will learn every day and know that what you are doing is helping good causes. Lots of people in Camelot started in the Customer Operations area so it’s a great grounding for people thinking about a career here..

How do you get into work in the morning?

I drive. I like to get in early, so the M25 is usually clear. Typically it’s 45 minutes of Chris Evans and me singing (badly). If the sun is shining and no rain is forecast, I’ll ride my motorbike in which does make the journey a little faster and definitely more fun!

Do you have a claim to fame?

Sir Edward Elgar was my great, great, great grandfather, I’ve played golf with Danny Willet (2016 Masters Champion) and Bill Gates thinks I’m the best dancer in my family (well, I won the only game I’ve ever played of Just Dance on the Xbox against my wife and kids).

What is something you think everyone should do once in their lives?

Travel. It broadens the mind - especially if you get out of the resorts and go and spend time with the locals. Eat in their restaurants, drink in their bars. And write a bucket list and tick off at least 3 things a year. It is a great motivator!