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05 March 2021

At the start of a New Year, I'm sure you've asked yourself 'what will my New Year's resolutions be?' - but when it comes to goal setting, both in and outside of work, it can be difficult knowing where to start.

When talking about goals, there isn't a 'one-size-fits-all' approach. They need to be personal to you. Having goals to work towards not only provides direction and focus, they also help us to set a bar to measure achievement and success against.

Here are our 5 top tips to help you get started:

1. Get SMART with your goals

Try using the SMART acronym when creating your goals for the year...

  • Specific - Keep your individual goals narrow and simple
  • Measurable - Think about how you'll be able to demonstrate your progress
  • Achievable - Can you realistically accomplish this goal within a certain timeframe?
  • Relevant - Consider how your goals align with your values and long-term objectives
  • Timely - To help you prioritise, set a realistic date to achieve each goal

2. Put your goals in writing

By physically writing down your goals, it helps them to become more tangible and meaningful. Also, think about how you articulate them. Use confident and assuring language such as 'I will' rather than 'I would like to'. It's important not to forget about your goals, so where can you display them to continually remind yourself? As post-it notes on your desk? As a desktop screensaver?

3. Don't limit your goals to being job specific

Think broadly! While it's great to set goals around career development and being your best at work, how about considering goals that affect your wellbeing too? For example, introducing 10 minutes of meditation each morning or making a conscious effort to deliver a positive piece of feedback to a colleague, family or friend every day.

4. Discuss your goals with others

Sharing your goals with someone you trust can not only make you more accountable, but also mean you'll have others to support you when working towards achieving them. Knowing that others will be checking in on your progress can be a big lift to your motivation. Sharing goals with your manager can also be a great way to steer conversations around your development and career progression.

5. Reward yourself when you achieve your goals

When you achieve your goals, you feel great and when others celebrate your success it feels even better! Why not build in an achievement reward for yourself when setting your goals, to help you keep motivated? When celebrating, it's the perfect opportunity to reflect on the amazing progress you've made.

To find out more about how Camelot supports people with development, check out this post on getting the most out of your learning.