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Good Causes

From repairing Scout huts and supporting the most vulnerable in society, to preserving the nation’s heritage and helping to make inspirational Olympic and Paralympic champions – National Lottery players help projects across the UK week in, week out.

To date, National Lottery players have raised over £42 billion for Good Causes, funding more than 625,000 projects in the arts, sport, heritage, health, education, environment and community/charity sectors.

That’s the equivalent of over 220 lottery grants in every UK postcode district, with every project making a real difference to the lives of people and communities across the UK – especially as 70% of grants are for £10,000 or less.

Although we at Camelot are responsible for generating returns for Good Causes by selling National Lottery tickets, we play no role in the allocation of funding. This is the specific responsibility of 12 National Lottery distribution bodies, each with specialist knowledge of their sectors. These are chosen by Parliament to help ensure the money goes exactly where it’s needed.

For further information about projects awarded National Lottery funding or to apply for funding, please visit: or